A Tea Ritual Feast for Imbolc by SM Harlow- Witchy Moms Magazine February 2023 Issue


AIL TO THE COMING OF SPRING! Imbolc is the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The beginnings of Spring! This Sabbat is all about welcoming the growing warmth of the sun, cleansing, re-devoting your sacred space, and opening the necessary paths for new beginnings in your life. This is the time where some bring ‘spring cleaning’ into their homes, as well as cleanse and align their mind and heart for the upcoming season of growth. It is a time to honor the Maiden, as she renews and welcomes the return of the Sun God. It is a special time to practice creativity, and inspiration. Traditionally, this was the time of year when livestock would start giving birth to their young and farmers would start to plough their fields in preparation for planting. Magickally, this is the perfect opportunity to also plant your own life seeds and manifest them into the world for Spring.

The lore of tea witchery brings ceremony and magick for all practices and to the mundane. To bring its craft into your life will conjure the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and invoking simultaneously the energies of Spirit. Across the ages, the ceremony of tea has made a place in the world to heal, focus, encourage, and delight the senses. In practice, it may aid to strengthen the magick within the invoker to conjure what they most desire. Tea witchery is a tool that enhances; purifies, creates space, balances power, honors you and the divine. Add tea magick into your ways of ceremony, to create ritual, and to empower yourself and others like no other spell and ultimately connect yourself to Spirit through mindful celebration and meditation.

To truly set the mood for Imbolc and to bond with the coming energies of Spring, here is a new beginnings tea ritual. Set the space according to how you celebrate, whether that be out in nature, in a family home, or among your celebrated clan. This ritual may also be incorporated into your other activities, or simply use the tea blend as an honorary drink for the festivities. Be sure to cleanse your space, as this is a Sabbat of purification.

Prepare the Space


~Bouquets of white/yellow/light blue flowers, basil, rosemary, and decorated nests with ribbons and earthen trinkets found in nature – enough to fill the space

~Gold, green, pink, yellow and red candles – a lot of candles, this is a fire festival!

~Decorated Brigid’s crosses, corn dollies, brooms or besoms, purified magickal tools. – to honor the traditions of Imbolc and create a magickal altar

~Amethyst, carnelian, moonstone, malachite, and calcite – to bless and empower the feast

~ Incense – frankincense, myrrh, jasmine, blackberry

~A decorated cloth of white, gold, yellow, and/or pink – blanket, table cover, or table runner


Tea Ritual Feast Tutorial 

Prepare the Food

Three-tier tray(s): Foods that correspond with Samhain

First tier

~Blood Orange and Poppy Seed Scones, with Lemon Curd and Clotted Cream

~Rhubarb Vanilla Scones, with Clotted Cream and Passion Fruit Curd

Second tier –

~Pear and Brie Arugula Bruschetta

~Caramelized Leek and Onion Quiche

~Potato Thyme and Mushroom Pie

~Apple and Prosciutto Cheddar Crostini

Third tier –

~Persimmon Pudding

~Kiwi Lime Tarts

~Orange Ricotta Cookies

Prepare the Tea


In a purified glass bowl, blend

~1 part mint

~2 part dried blackberries

~1 part chamomile

~1 – 2 bay leaves

~1 part lavender


Blend each herb, except for the bay leaves within your cleansed vessel. Place the bay leaves to your forehead and focus on the seeds you wish to grow in your life for the Spring. Then bring the bay leaves across your lips and whisper these intentions aloud. Add the bay leaves to your blend. Imbue the mix with your energy and intentions. You may surround your vessel with lit golden and/or white candles to empower the blend. Add a tablespoon of the blend to an infuser or double the amount for a pot of tea. Surround the vessel/pot with clear quartz and/or amethyst. Heat your water to 205 degrees. Cover the tea with water and hold your hands over the brew. Focus your intent on what you wish for the season, filled with new seeds and beginnings. Brew for 5 – 6 minutes. Add milk and sweeten with honey if you wish.

Just before serving, recite this blessing:

Our hearts are stirred by the growing dawn,

To inspire our senses and strive for what is beyond.

Our seeds are blessed and ready to plant,

As we kindle our promises and purify our craft.

We have the power of new beginnings,

And see our dreams become reality.

Serve the pots of tea and treats, sipping and absorbing your blessing. Partake the feast together with gratitude and laughter. Before any kind of spellwork, a grand purification ritual should be hosted. Cast spells for new beginnings, abundance, prosperity, and protection. Create dedicated altars for the home, hearth, pets, and family. This would also make it the most ideal time to bless your garden and seeds for new growth. Practice fire scrying and astral projection. This is a fertile Sabbat, so fertility spells are favored. Petitions to Brigid and honoring her is especially a traditional practice to welcome her blessings and protection for the home and to inspire creativity.



Mint – money, lust, healing, travel, exorcism, protection

Blackberries – healing, protection, love, money, courage, passion, creativity

Chamomile – love, money, sleep, purification

Bay Leaves – protection, healing, psychic powers, purification, strength, wishes

Lavender – protection, love, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, peace

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